Scientists Under Attack: Árpád Pusztai, a GMO Whistleblowing Hero!

Arpad Pusztai - a GMO whistleblowing hero

By Dr. Michelle Kmiec

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Dr. Árpád Pusztai (pronounced Poos-tie) is well known for his controversial discovery that GM potatoes actually cause damage to the intestines and immune systems of rats. In his now-famous words:

“If I had the choice I would certainly not eat it [GMO foods]. We are putting new things into food which have not been eaten before. The effects on the immune system are not easily predictable and I challenge anyone who will say that the effects are predictable…  I find it’s very unfair to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs”.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, after 36 years as a respected scientist at the Rowett Research Institute, his contract was not renewed.

But there is hope! In 2005, Pusztai received the Whistleblower Award from the German Section of the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA) and the  Federation of German Scientists (VDW).

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In 2010, The Huffington Post did a piece on this amazing and brave Scientist, entitled  “Anniversary of a Whistleblowing Hero”. According to reporter Jeffrey Smith:

“He [Pusztai] had been an enthusiastic supporter of genetic engineering, working on cutting edge safety research with genetically modified (GM) foods. But to his surprise, his experiments showed that GM foods were inherently dangerous. When he relayed his concerns during a short television interview in the UK, things got ugly. With support from the highest levels of government, biotech defenders quickly mobilized a coordinated attack campaign trying to distort and cover up the evidence…

“In the years since this controversy, Dr. Pusztai has given more than 200 lectures around the world on GMOs. He has been commissioned by the German government, academic publications, and others to do comprehensive analyses of GMO safety studies. In 2005, he received the Whistleblower Award from the Federation of German Scientists (VDW). And in 2009, he and his wife, Dr. Susan Bardocz – also an expert on GMO safety and formerly of the Rowett Institute – were presented with the Stuttgart Peace Prize for their tireless advocacy for independent risk research, as well as their courage, scientific integrity, and their undaunted insistence on the public’s right to know the truth”.

In another article, “GMO Researchers Attacked, Evidence Denied and a Population at Risk“, Jeffrey Smith continues:

“The treatment of Dr. Pusztai sent a chilling precedent around the world. By 2001, New Zealand Parliament member Sue Kedgley told the 2001 Royal Commission of Inquiry on Genetic Modification: “Personally I have been contacted by telephone and e-mail by a number of scientists who have serious concerns about aspects of the research that is taking place… and the increasingly close ties that are developing between science and commerce, but who are convinced that if they express these fears publicly, even at such a commission… or even if they asked the awkward and difficult questions, they will be eased out of their institution”.

And in 2009, the prestigious journal Nature acknowledged that attacks on biotech researchers are regularly orchestrated by a

“… large block of scientists who denigrate research by other legitimate scientists in a knee-jerk, partisan, emotional way that is not helpful in advancing knowledge and is outside the ideals of scientific inquiry”.

Árpád Pusztai is a real  GMO whistleblowing hero!

GMO whistleblower Arpad Pusztai

If you have never seen the film “Scientists Under Attack – Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money”, it is well worth your time to do so. If only more scientists would come forward and do the right thing for humanity!  After all… science is from the Latin word ‘scientia’, meaning “knowledge”, and what we do with that knowledge can either be a gain or loss to humanity.

Scientists Under Attack

Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money

By DenkmalFilm

Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished  scientists and their careers are in ruins. Both scientists choose to look at the phenomenon of  genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both of them are suffering the fate of  those who criticise the powerful vested interests that now dominate big business and scientific research. Statements made by scientists themselves prove that 95% of the research in the area of  genetic engineering is paid by the industry. Only 5% of the research is independent. The big  danger for freedom of science and our democracy is evident. Can the public — we all — still  trust our scientists?

Watch the trailer:

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Previous articles by Dr. Michelle:

About the author:

dr michelle kmiec

Dr. Michelle Kmiec is a board certified chiropractic physician who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology, and a minor in Medical Research. She is a life-long athlete who after curing herself 100% naturally from MS and anxiety, became an avid nutrition health researcher/promoter. She has been featured in many Health magazines, and has been a guest on radio talk shows in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. She is the author of Health Freedom Revolution: Exposing the Lies, Deceit and Greed of the Medical Profession’, Founder of Online Holistic Health, and a contributing writer for other popular informative health website/blogs. She is also founder of The Triad of Life™ Holistic Lifestyle Program – the most comprehensive holistic program on the internet today.

For more information, visit Online Holistic Health or connect with Dr. Michelle Kmiec on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.


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